What is your name?
Do you like to eat cheese?
Yes, of course I do! I'm human, aren't I?
Sometimes, when no one is looking, I'll sneak a piece or two...
No! Never! How outlandish!
No comment
Do you consider yourself,
Like a fan duster, fuzzy and always in a circle
Do you think this is an insanity test?
Oh, definately...
No, why would I think that?
Maybe... If little space aliens are sitting on my monitor, then it's certainly possible
Do you think you are wrong?
HA! Are you kidding? I am never wrong! Except for that one time...
Maybe... If little space aliens are sitting on my monitor, then it's certainly possible
Yep. I'm most definitely wrong.
Is this test crazier than you are?
Oh yeah. ::runs away::
No, definitely not... I can be much more insane than this test is
My doctors don't think so... But I'll show them!!
Do you think I know how to end this survey?
Of course! Genisis is the best at everything! She is the queen of the universe! (Just for further reference, this is the correct answer)
Maybe, but it doesn't end yet, so maybe not, but maybe she's just fooling us, but maybe she's really not, and maybe it's a conspiracy and the little green aliens that steal the socks in the transistion from the washing machine to the dryer are in her com